
Everything is up there

Cloud Hosting

Pay for what you use, virtual servers are REAL!

Providing best of the best! This is always what we are seeking for our clients, therefore we are helping you to enter the world of cloud hosting to get the high level performance of hosting faster than anytime before.

Physical servers (shared/dedicated) are forcing you to pay for specific capacity even if you are not using it all. In clouds hosting things are different, you are only paying for what you are exactly using.

The end of ‘Fashion-IT’ - customers will only pay for value and not technology.”-Sunny Ghosh

Cloud server is a virtual server running in a cloud computing environment. Cloud hosting operates through several interconnected physical web servers and renders data from various servers.

We are using Microsoft Azure for our cloud hosting services and we are glad to offer this brilliant service for our valued clients as they do really deserve always the best!

What is Azure?

Azure is a growing collection of integrated cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through our global network of datacenters.

With Azure, you get the freedom to build and deploy wherever you want, using the tools, applications, and frameworks of your choice.

Why Azure?

  • - More certifications than any other cloud provider.
  • - Protect your business with the most trusted cloud.
  • - Expand globally with more regions than any other cloud provider.
  • - Easily build and deploy anywhere.
  • - Industry leader for customer advocacy and privacy protection.
  • - Unique data residency guarantees.

The cloud services companies of all sizes…The cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy.”-Marc Benioff